Monday, January 7, 2008


I'm leaving Las Vegas and scrounging for the paperwork to get a visa for a stay in Seoul. It's the capital of South Korea and, with the exception of Tokyo, the most populous metropolitan area in the world.

The city just opened a poker room in a foreigners-only casino. You can also find underground live games throughout the city every night of the week with the citizens.

My focus won't be on poker while I'm in Korea. I'll be working in the afternoons, for one thing. I also am going to finish my writing project or complete the first draft as an expatriate. Now having said that, I will build a poker bankroll to play whatever level I want, since I won't be paying rent.

The key that's changed is poker won't be necessary to support myself. My poker goals won't be as much about making money as about moving up in levels. Kind of like a video game concept where you fight your way through a bunch of opponents and then beat the boss of that level and move to the next level.

Don't expect updates for a while as I sell my stuff on Craigslist, maneuver through bureaucracies, and settle into a totally foreign environment, what a well-traveled Australian recently told me was "the least Western country" he'd ever encountered. But check this site again in a few months. I'll report on my online poker exploits, the casino games at Walker Hill, and the underground live games.


Rainy said...

Think you'll start a separate blog just about life in Seoul? I would sure love to hear about all of your experiences....sounds amazing. Good luck with all the red tape.

See you soon!

Highwaytime said...

For me the focus of a blog has to be really limited. For Korea I can imagine a blog of word sketches, subjective descriptions of scenes and events.

But there would be no context, no wide angle commentary, you will just be bombarded by alien Korean stuff happening from my POV. I think a lot of times you read travel writing and it gets bogged down in explanations and cultural interpretation and it becomes pedantic and loses the true texture. I would leave you mystified and crushed by a wall of exotic details and I would almost feel dirty about it, but it might be cool.

Re: red tape, Every day they come up with requests for another notarized document. My ticket isn't yet booked.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike:

You may want to reach out to your friend John in North Carolina (he links you as a friend from his blog

He has really stirred things up with his wild trading and big losses and readers are concerned because he has not posted since Jan 16th and he had been taking big baths on his trades. He may need a friend to reach out and advise him or push him to get some advice.

Just FYI.

Anonymous said...

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Web design rochdale said...

I think many times, read travel writing and he gets bogged in explanations and cultural interpretation and it becomes pedantic and lose real texture. I leave you mystified and crushed the wall of the exotic details and almost will feel dirty about it, but it might be cool.

Re-Bet said...

I honestly do not know how else to reach out to you. It's been a lifetime, but you crossed my mind the other day when I saw someone playing Virtua-Fighter. I hope you're well. I'd love to reconnect. Shoot me a reply here or let me know if there's another way to get in touch.
